Over the course of the last ten years or so, interest in reviving heritage grains has increased dramatically. There has been a rise in appreciation of their beauty, nutritional value, genetic diversity, and fascinating histories. The importance of incorporating them into a sustainable crop rotation and their inherent adaptability are additional compelling qualities. As our climate continues to change in unpredictable ways, identifying crops that display disease resistance and the ability to thrive under a range of conditions becomes increasingly vital. And, of course, their nuanced flavor and potential for excellent baking qualities simply add to their appeal.
As part of this resurgence, we launched the Heritage and Landrace Grain Network in the winter of 2018. The site was designed as a space where those engaged in all aspects of growing and working with heritage and landrace grains – farmers, bakers, researchers, home gardeners, and experimenters – could communicate with each other to share seeds and knowledge, collaborate on trials, seek out rare varieties, and be part of the growing community of those who understand the importance of preserving and expanding the cultivation of these valuable crops.
We hope our new home here with Maine Grain Alliance will provide a place where members will benefit from connections made with each other and with MGA.
As a project partner in the USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program, the Maine Grain Alliance has sought to provide a variety of useful resources to organic farmers as they pursue growing heritage and landrace grains.
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